Welcome to my ITEC 2130 Website

ITEC Courses Taken

  1. ITEC 2140 - Programming Fundamentals
  2. ITEC 2201 - Introduction to Info Systems
  3. ITEC 2130 - Web Technologies
  4. ITEC 2150 - Intermediate Programming
  5. ITEC 3100 - Introduction to Networks
  6. ITEC 3150 - Advanced Programming
  7. ITEC 3150 - Advanced Programming
  8. ITEC 3200 - Intro to Databases
  9. ITEC 3900 - Professional Pract & Ethics

ITEC Skills


CarRental System
Built Car system in which you can Display available vehicles, rent vehicles, and return vehicles using Object Oriented Programming that wss Created with Java via eclipse.
Video Game Store
Utilized Java to create a system in which Video Games can be displayed and written to a file that was created with Java via eclipse and utilized Object Oriented Programming